Harbor Theater Exterior Wall Repair Project


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 11/9/23 9:00am
Bid Date 11/22/23 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Suisun
Gemma Geluz  


Suisun City, CA


This project is to rehabilitate the exterior of the Harbor Theater building along its south, east, west and north exterior wall elevations as follows:

Base Project:

• South Wall Elevation - Remove and replace area of damaged stucco wall that is bulging out, including the damage within the wall. This will require removing and resetting exterior downspouts; detaching and resetting exterior lights; detaching and resetting exterior railing; and painting the door.

• East Wall Elevation - Re-attach stucco. This will require detaching and resetting exterior lights, as well as replacing missing segments of exterior PVC downspouts.

Additive Alternates:

• West Wall Elevation - Re-attach stucco. This will require removing and resetting exterior downspouts, as well as detaching and resetting exterior lights.

• North Wall Elevation - Re-attach stucco. This will require detaching and resetting exterior lights and one sign.

The above-mentioned exterior walls, doors and fixtures will need to be painted to match the building.

A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held in front of the Harbor Theater, at 720 Main Street, Suisun City, on Thursday, November 9, 2023, at9:00 AM. Bids received from any bidder who does not attend or remain for the duration of the mandatory pre-bid meeting will be considered non-responsible and will be rejected.